Technical Skills for Online Theater Productions

Producing and streaming theater performances online require a diverse set of technical skills to ensure smooth and high-quality productions. From setting up equipment to managing streaming platforms, this guide provides a comprehensive overview of the technical aspects necessary for online […]

Theater Lotteries Traditions in Asia

Historical analysis of lotteries in Japan In Japan, where lottery participation has become part of the culture, theaters have also found their own unique way of engaging audiences through lotteries. As in many cultures where lottery tickets are often purchased […]

Performance: evolution of technique

The actor and his art of acting, for years it has been a social science, Federico Herrero, Nicolás Francisco Herrero, answers. The actor and his acting art have been social sciences for years, Federico Herrero, Nicolás Francisco Herrero, directors, theater […]

The Process of Costume Design Creation

Costume design involves the creation of clothing and accessories for the overall appearance of performers or characters. Whether it is an elaborate period dress or a well-worn t-shirt, quite a lot of thought goes into the overall look of each […]